The Photography program at the Multnomah Arts Center offers courses in digital and analog photography, including darkroom for teens and adults. From camera basics to advanced techniques, artistic refinements, and outdoor photo shoots, students are offered the tools needed to take great photos and become professional artists.
Photography Coordinator: Nicole Rawlins
Photography Offerings
For Adults & Teens
iPhone Camera Workshop
Get the most out of your iPhone camera. Discuss apps, printing services, accessories, basic camera functions, and the best ways to utilize them.
Digital SLR Basics
Demystify your digital SLR camera and take better pictures. Apply aperture, shutter speed, and ISO in the digital world. Explore your camera through short lectures, simple assignments, and hands-on demos.
Photography I-Digital SLR & Analog
Learn how to combine photography basics and art fundamentals. Explore the use of light, camera settings, and your environment and how to utilize them to make successful compositions. Class consists of a combination of short lectures, informal assignments, and critiques.
Photography II-The Growing Photographer
Dive deeper into the art of making fine photos with at least four outdoor photo sessions and with classes in between to discuss and perfect the resulting work. Special emphasis on using correction software to visualize and perfect photos, making them ready for display.
Black & White Darkroom Studio
Learn to thoughtfully compose images and produce mood by combining basic artistic principles, light, and camera knowledge. Gain hands-on experience developing your own film as well as enlarging and cropping photographs.
Photography Offerings
For Youth
- Digital SLR
- Digital Imaging
- Basic Darkroom
- iPhone
- Pinhole
Past Classes & Workshops
- Polaroid Redux-Impossible Project Film
- Photographing Your Artwork
- Pinhole Photography

Black & White Darkroom Amenities
- Five Enlargers (35 mm/medium format)
- Five condenser head enlargers
- Tray processing for fiber and RC prints up to 11″ x 14″
- Black and white film processing: We are equipped with a negative developing area capable of processing 35mm and 120 films. There is also a cabinet film dryer.
- Washing: 11″ x 14″ archival print washer